Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Workshop Syllabus

Creative Writing Workshop: Exploring Eco-poetry and Social Consciousness
This is the workshop syllabus; it's subject to some minor changes as we go but be sure to check on it as it will notify you of any upcoming assignments or discussions.

Course Summary:
This course will function as a creative writing workshop and its main focus will center on exploring the different ways poetry establishes a connection with the reader concerning two topics: ecologically inspiring poetry that contains a sustainable message, and poetry that is conscious in addressing social issues and emotional attributes that surface while experiencing  emotional perspectives or socially interactive circumstances.

Workshop Schedule:
Monday, 9/10/12: Introductions, discuss syllabus & texts for workshop, Create roster, Introduce Indie poetry from Revolution on Canvas, Indie Poetry & Social Consciousness PowerPoint part I, Handouts: Indie Poetry 1, Poetry Analysis Guidlines (for reading poetry handouts & workshop poetry), and bring poetry tomorrow for work shopping (can be something you've already written, or something you choose to write tonight).

**The poetry you bring to class next Monday will begin our work shopping process, so aim to bring more than one piece of poetry per each session.**

Monday, 9/17/12: Prompts: Another World & Who or What? Share prompt poetry. Discuss last handouts:  focusing on content. Workshop poetry, Finish PowerPoint for Indie Poetry & Social C, Handouts: Indie poetry 2
Challenge: write poetry that focuses on relevant social issues (or anything) & bring to class to workshop.

Monday, 9/24/12: Prompt: A Different Era (part II), Share prompt material, Discuss last handouts 2: Structure & Style, Workshop poetry, Indie poetry handout 3
Challenge: write poetry that focuses on a social issue that isn’t often addressed (or any topic) & bring tomorrow to workshop.

Monday, 9/1/12: Prompts: Word Salad & Shape shifting Dreams, Discuss last handouts 3: structure, style, content, Workshop poetry
Challenge: write poetry that is emotionally relevant to you, or consider writing about any topic; bring the poems tomorrow to workshop. This will wrap up our exploration of Indie poetry, so feel free to incorporate anything you've learned into your writing.

Monday, 10/8/12: Prompt: Letters, Music share, Introduction to Ecopoetry & “Earth Songs” edited by Peter Abbs,Workshop poetry, Intro Powerpoint for Ecopoetry & Ecological Awareness, Handout: Ecopoetry 1
Challenge: write poetry that is inspired by the natural world or some associated issues & bring to class to workshop.

Monday, 10/15/12: Prompt: Mysteries of Memory, Share prompt material, Discuss last handout: content, Powerpoint Ecopoetry part II, Handout: Ecopoetry 2
Challenge: write poetry that responds to an environmental issue or creates a unique perspective while considering the way we interact with our environment; bring to class to workshop.

Monday, 10/22/12: Prompt: Perspectives & Odd Places, Share prompt material, Discuss previous handout Ecopoetry 2: content, style, and structure, Workshop poetry, Handout: Ecopoetry 3
Challenge: write poetry that discusses your own personal relationship to the environment.

Monday, 10/29/12: Prompt: Stranger Story part I, & Prompt: Stranger Story part II, Share prompt material, Workshop poetry, Discuss handout Ecopoetry 3: style structure and content.
Challenge: write 1-2 poetry pieces of your own choice, bring to class to workshop.

            Reminder: bring your best pieces & all work-shopped poetry to next class. I will format all of the poetry & have it bound by an independent publisher, Blurb. The final product once ordered and shipped will be available for purchase on their website, Blurb.com. Thank you for being willing participants and I look forward to creating an amazing poetry compilation of all your work!

Last day, Monday 11/5/12: Workshop poetry (1-2 pieces), Feedback.

Continuing Syllabus for the Workshop
Monday, 11/12/12: Prompt: What was once something is now something else. Timed in-class exercise, will post our poetry afterwards. Discuss the product & share.

Monday, 11/19/12: Prompt: World Salad & directive exercise. Not necessarily timed, will post poetry to blog afterwards. Discuss the experience & share what we wrote.

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