Thursday, February 7, 2013

Burned out

Slowly I open my eyes,
or what used to be eyes.

What are they now, 
and where am I?

Everything seems big and strange.
Out of focus and perspective.
I'm sitting on a table,
in a room of someones house.

I'm not sure how I got here.

People pass right by me,
they don't notice me at all.
I try to yell,
to call for help,
but no sound comes from my mouth.

Panic takes hold
 at the realization that I no longer
have a mouth.
Or arm
or legs.

I cannot run away, 
or scream, 
or even cry.

Time pass by,
I can't be sure how long.
A sudden spark
and the warmth of a flame bring from my daze.
Something above me glows and flickers.
It's hurting me somehow I know,
but I feel no pain.

Small white drops
of waxy sweat drip from my head,
or where my head should be.
I feel myself shrinking,
slowly fading away.

As the flames die out,
a small puddle of wax
 is all that remains
of me.

Little trotty hetty coat 
in a long petticoat 
and a red nose 
the longer she stands 
the shorter she grows. 
What is it?

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